Our Story

It is somewhat surreal to be typing the following words. It doesn’t even seem fully real yet and just seems like a dream to even be sharing this news with y’all. Well, here it it… We are adopting! 🎉

Before saying more about that, let’s go back a bit so we can share our story and the process thus far.

Cristina and I got married 9-ish years ago. We were both certain on a few things: that we wanted to grow our family, we wanted to wait some time to start trying (because we wanted to soak in married life), and we had a desire to adopt. Everything was planned. Everything had an order.

Well, it was easy to think we were in control of our future back then, but we failed to remember one simple truth: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9).”

Fast forward 9 years and we have walked through a season of infertility and the welcoming of our little miracle, Olivia. Our plans and desires haven’t come easy, but we are confident that it’s doing something. Transforming us on the inside, into maturity. So, we cling to the One who keeps us, sustains us, and guides us.

With that context, here we are now, in 2022, starting the adoption process we’ve always desired, but in the timing that LORD saw fit, and in that, we are so grateful.

One thing is for sure, we cannot do this on our own. Neither without God nor without community. So, we are inviting you into this journey with us through prayer and support. We want to bring you in a little closer as the process ramps up!

Would you pray with and for us?! This is a long journey ahead and our hope is to learn, grow, and receive everything the Lord has for us along the way!

Lastly, would you join us in praying for Colombia? Here is a helpful prayer guide Lifeline created: https://lifelinechild.org/pray-for-colombia/

Connect with Us

We would love for you to join us if you want to stay in the loop! Updates will be sent out via specific channels so if you want to join those, reach out to me and I’ll be sure to get you added.


  (770) 841-0879


This is a high level overview of the entire adoption process. I’ll do my best to keep this up to date in order to communicate how things are going.

  1. Applicationcompleted Aug 2022
  2. Home Study – we’re here! 🥳
  3. Immigration
  4. Dossier
  5. Matching
  6. Travel
  7. Post Adoption


As you may or may not know, adopting requires a bit of paperwork, legal stuff, and logistical things, so it’s a tad expensive. We understand it and don’t feel negatively towards it, because we know the intense process is to make sure every child is placed with a safe family.

Our agency has provided an estimated “at-a-glance” fees breakdown:

  • Agency Fees
  • Third Party Fees
  • Travel Expenses
  • Other miscellaneous items

Thankfully, each of these don’t have to be paid up front and are staggered throughout the process.

That said, we would be honored if you would consider partnering with us to help pay for some of these heavy costs as we move forward.
